Pengiriman Cepat dan Aman

Layanan logistik terpercaya untuk kebutuhan distribusi Anda.

4.8 dari 5 bintang


Tentang Kami Sinar Terang Express

CV. Sinar Terang Express adalah perusahaan logistik terpercaya, menyediakan layanan pengiriman barang cepat dan aman untuk memenuhi berbagai kebutuhan distribusi Anda.



Kecepatan, Keamanan, Kepercayaan

Mitra Logistik

Layanan Pengiriman Cepat

Kami menyediakan layanan pengiriman barang cepat, aman, dan terpercaya untuk kebutuhan distribusi Anda.

Pengiriman Lokal Cepat
A person wearing a black cap and a black polo shirt with a courier service logo holds a large cardboard box. The background is a plain light gray, and the person appears to be smiling slightly.
A person wearing a black cap and a black polo shirt with a courier service logo holds a large cardboard box. The background is a plain light gray, and the person appears to be smiling slightly.

Layanan pengiriman lokal dengan armada handal dan sistem manajemen logistik yang efisien.

Two delivery trucks are parked on a city street. The truck on the left is yellow with DHL branding, displaying a partial image of a person wearing a red cap. The truck on the right is dark brown with UPS branding. The street is wet, suggesting recent rain, and the setting appears to be urban, with multi-story buildings lining the street.
Two delivery trucks are parked on a city street. The truck on the left is yellow with DHL branding, displaying a partial image of a person wearing a red cap. The truck on the right is dark brown with UPS branding. The street is wet, suggesting recent rain, and the setting appears to be urban, with multi-story buildings lining the street.
A FedEx Ground delivery truck is parked on a street next to a red brick building. The truck is white with the FedEx logo prominently displayed in purple and green on the side. A driver is seated inside, visible through the open door.
A FedEx Ground delivery truck is parked on a street next to a red brick building. The truck is white with the FedEx logo prominently displayed in purple and green on the side. A driver is seated inside, visible through the open door.
Pengiriman Antar Kota

Kami melayani pengiriman antar kota dengan komitmen terhadap kepuasan pelanggan dan keandalan.

Layanan Distribusi Terpercaya

Mitra logistik andal untuk bisnis Anda.

Pengiriman cepat dan aman, sangat puas dengan layanan Sinar Terang Express. Mitra logistik yang terpercaya!

Budi Santoso

A white delivery van with the logo 'dpd' is parked along a city street. Several people walk by, including a man carrying a tote bag with a red design. Other vehicles are also parked nearby, and modern apartment buildings line the street.
A white delivery van with the logo 'dpd' is parked along a city street. Several people walk by, including a man carrying a tote bag with a red design. Other vehicles are also parked nearby, and modern apartment buildings line the street.
A white delivery van with 'ALPI EXPRESS' branding is parked on a snowy street. Snow is falling, creating a wintry scene, and a partially buried scooter can be seen in the snow near the van.
A white delivery van with 'ALPI EXPRESS' branding is parked on a snowy street. Snow is falling, creating a wintry scene, and a partially buried scooter can be seen in the snow near the van.


Galeri Pengiriman

Lihat momen pengiriman kami yang cepat, aman, dan terpercaya.